Still Life Coral reefs have captivated my imagination for as long as I can remember - exotic forms, vibrant colours and the often venomous appendages of the animals as they perform their exotic dances on the ocean floor. It is well known our reefs are under great threat and may well struggle for survival. It saddens me profoundly to think of their impending demise. Our coral reefs are so sensitive that even the slightest variation in the ocean temperature for a relatively short period of time will cause the symbiotic relationship of coral and the algae Zooxanthellae to breakdown, threatening the very existence of an otherwise healthy and thriving eco system. Still Life explores the vulnerability and fragile nature of the coral. My glass sculptures are as fragile as the coral yet they sit atop steel vessels that will remain still and lifeless long after the glass is broken. Will we ultimately be left with a similar lifeless depiction of a world that once danced and thrived on the ocean floor?